Freitag, 1. Juni 2012


So after more than a year without any posts, here I am again^^.
Alot hase changed since then. I've finished my Abitur and moved to Hamburg to study Korean Studies. Because of that I also went to Korea for a month (you can read about my trip here:, sry but it's german only).
In addition to that i started practicing Taekgyeon thi February and am now officially a 3rd Poom.
Unfortunately I still can't realy play Baduk and I don't think that will change any time soon, after my last tournament I now have a 5k rating.................

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011


Today I started reading the Jikji (白雲和尙抄錄佛祖直指心體要節/백운화상초록불조직지심체요절) a collection of Buddhist texts and teachings of Baegun(a Korean Buddhist monk).

Let's see what influence this book has on my Baduk^^

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

The first path

I'm no a coauthor of adoreme's Blog, check it out.

Montag, 24. Januar 2011


Zurzeit üb ich halbwegs viel Bass(die letzten Tage so 2-4 Stunden täglich), und hier mal mein Trainingsprogramm für eine Einheit(1 Stunde):

15 Minuten Training für die linke Hand:



Dieses Muster einfach an verschiedenen Stellen vom Hals spielen und das Tempo dabei variieren, alternativ:


10 Minuten Geschwindigkeitstraining
Relativ leichte Songs bei erhöhter Geschwindigkeit(zB. Faint mit 270 BPM)

15 Minuten Technik
Harmonics, Tonleitern, Akkorde, Tapping, Slappen usw.

20 Minuten Anspruchsvollere Songs

Freitag, 14. Januar 2011

New Year..............well a bit late^^

Well my last post was quite some time ago and a lot of things happened:
1.) I got a new 5-string bass and im practicing some songs by 3 now.
2.) I lost my ~ on KGS.
3.) I wrote a book review  about the books im studying right now.
4.) I started learning for the Abitur which will start on March 18th.
5.) I'm improving my SSB skills.

I hope that I will write more often now but I don't know if i really will ;)

Dienstag, 30. November 2010

Some other games I enjoy to play

Baduk may be the best game mankind has invented, but there are many other great games out there, too.
Here are some games you might also enjoy:

Changgi is a Korean variant of the Chinese Xiangqi.

Makruk is the chess played in Thailand and Cambodia. It tends to have a very defensive opening followed by a agressive middle- and endgame (atleast it was like that when I played it).

5 in a row. Sounds simple but it can be very interresting to play.

Sunjang Baduk
An old korean way of playing Baduk.

Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010

Teachinggame VS Kim Sungrae

Today I finally got my chance to play Kim Sungrae. I went for a 6 HC game and resigned after 149 moves of fighting.
I liked the game but maybe it would have been a good idea to play calmer moves and not to begin an all out fight within 40 moves.

 (;CA[shift_jis]AB[pd][dj][pj][dp][pp]AP[MultiGo:4.3.0]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]
DT[20101026 [19\:42\]]PB[badukmoa    1D*]PW[sungrae     8DP]KM[0.5]HA[6]RE[White Win by Resign!]